Monday, July 20, 2009

WOW! Somebody Likes My Blog

I was given this blog award by Krista Meister, the "fearless leader" of Real Life Artists, a blog that is home to a band of artists determined to be the very best we can be. She provides a forum for our ideas and helps us keep focused on our goals. I am honored to receive the award and to be a part of the group. Thanks Krista.

The award comes with two duties: share seven things my fellow bloggers don't know about me; pass the award to seven worthy artists. So here goes.

Seven things you didn’t know about me.

As a child I was good at math and science. That was before I discovered that maybe I could do art and became this happy person with a paint brush in hand.

I am proud to be rather a good cook. Whether this is due to heredity or hours spent with gramma in her kitchen is debatable but one way or another it came from gramma.

There are currently 55 people who by accident of birth or marriage call me “Aunt Marge”. I have lost track of the “great aunt” count.

My heritage is an even mix of Irish and German. The two influences, like their source, are in constant conflict and probably keep me balanced. (sort of.).

For more than 20 years I was a teacher and I cherish the memory of every student who passed through my classroom. I love them all.

I cannot paint a cool painting. I try, but the oranges and yellows creep in every time. If you have been following my blog, you probably know this one.

Two years ago I got to fulfill one of my childhood dreams, a boat trip on the Yangtse River. I can still remember the spot in the children’s room of the local library that housed a series of books about people who lived along that river.

I grew up in the woods and love nature but I am into down town living.

And my Brush Award is given to these artist bloggers.

Kimber Scott Thoughtful posts.

Beth Rommel Art as nifty as the girl..

Connie Chadwell Dance, art in motion.

Marilyn Fenn A lady always on the move.

Gabrielle “nature nerd”

Carol McIntyre A treasure in lavender

Caroline Roberts Lots of great content.

Leslie Rinchen-Wongo Fascinating art and artist

If you haven't already done so, try them. You'll like them.


  1. Wow, Marge. Congratulations and thank you! I'm very surprised, honored, and petrified at having to think up seven things! Hmmm... I'm sure I can handle it.

    Thank you, again! This is my first blog award. I will cherish it always! :)

  2. Dear Marge,
    Thank you for the honor and kind, nifty comment. I will start thinking immediately. Thank you again...Beth

  3. Marge - here I was, just enjoying your blog and then I saw my name! Thank you so much - must get busy!

  4. I'm a little late in the uptake but thanks for the award surprise! That's so nice!
